Friday, November 23, 2012

Hot Pot!

After the master class, our host, Wing Ho, took us and three of his students to a fantastically popular hot pot restaurant.

The school

Like everything else official in Beijing, the school facilities are massive. About 16 buildings including dormitories and lunchroom accommodate the approximately 2000 music students.

The Central Conservatory of Music

    On Wednesday, Ellen, Kristin, and I made our way to the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing.

    Ellen and Kristin rehearsed for a while, and then we met our host, Wing Ho, of the viola faculty. Immediately, Ellen began teaching a master class. The students were very well prepared, and Ellen was able to do some good work with each one.

At least we beat the rush

After the Great Wall

After we finished crawling around on the Great Wall, the driver took us to a lunch place away from the crowds, at Zheng's direction. The driver and car, by the way, were kindly provided by the conservatory.

A curious thing

At the Forbidden City in Monday, a curious thing happened. These two lovely ladies, perfect strangers with no English, came up to Ellen apparently to have their picture taken by another companion. So, we took one, too.